The UT research community is committed to advancing research that makes life and lives better. Advancing knowledge while identifying solutions to society’s most complex challenges often requires the expertise and skills of researchers from multiple disciplines and domains, who come together to develop collaborative research strategies to realize their goals. Research collaborations take place within and across the UT research community, and with research partners at universities, private and public sector organizations in the US and around the world.
- Mutual respect
- Open communication and sharing unless restricted by a nondisclosure agreement or export control requirements
- Complementary skills, resources, and efforts
- Shared understanding of responsibilities and tasks
- Shared understanding of data management
- Frequent communication regarding research activities, changes in scope
- A shared understanding of authorship expectations
- International research collaborations may be formalized through memoranda of understanding (MOUs) or other similar documents, which are typically broad agreements with no exchange of funds. These arrangements are reviewed and supported by CGE’s Global Research Office, see global partnership agreements.
- All proposals and sponsored research projects at UT, regardless of whether the sponsor is foreign or domestic, are administered through Cayuse and managed by the UT Division of Research Administration (DRA)/UTIA Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
- All foreign organizations and foreign nationals engaged in a proposal or sponsored project must be identified on the Cayuse Export Control page, including UT researchers who are foreign nationals.
- Proposal documents, such as biographical sketches, current & pending support, and resource documents must disclose the international support and affiliations of researchers engaged in the project, see details available here.
- Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) identifying foreign organization or foreign national recipients must undergo compliance review by the Export Control office following submission to UT DRIA or UTIA OSP.
- Some international collaborations are not prescribed in MOUs, sponsored projects, or MTAs. Biographical sketches and explanations of resources should be provided for international collaborators by Division of Research Integrity and Assurance. Arrangements should be vetted by our office (contact and approved by the Department Head, Dean, or Provost.
The university’s Outside Interest Disclosure Form requires that UT researchers disclose their international outside affiliations and interests, including travel funded by international organizations and travel to certain countries, see Research Conflicts of Interest.
See Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs for University and Federal requirements related to foreign involvement that may be considered a talent program.
Please Note:
- A visa application should be submitted prior to submitting an information packet.
- Packets will be processed at the same time – and separate from – their visa and any departmental preparation/on-boarding processes.
- If during the process any condition changes, such as the planned stay increases to more than 10 business days, revisit the Flowchart to see if packet is still needed.
- If departmental Business Manager does not have access to the OneDrive folder, contact
Get departmental approvals of Packet (visitor, Faculty Sponsor, department head, and Departmental Business Manager).
- UT Faculty Sponsor – A university employee with “regular” employment status as defined in policy HR0105 who proposes a visitor.
- Departmental Business Manager – The individual designated as the department business manager or equivalent of an academic department or business unit without regard to the job title of the employee, or such individual’s designee.
- *For CV/Resume, visa, or work eligibility documents, use the following file naming convention:
- Faculty Sponsor Name (last)_Visiting Researcher Name (last, first)_Date Uploaded (MMDDYYYY).
- Example: Smith_JonesFred_11032022
- Faculty Sponsor Name (last)_Visiting Researcher Name (last, first)_Date Uploaded (MMDDYYYY).
- Notify that the file has been uploaded and provide the Sponsor and Visitor names.
If the Visitor has a social security number, a background check is required. Background checks are not required if the visitor’s home institution/organization is Oak Ridge National Laboratory or Y-12 (since they perform their own background checks)
- See for more information.
For help deciding if the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy is applicable, please see the applicability questions and decision tree. Additional questions about the policy and procedures
Questions about engaging in research collaborations with foreign organizations or foreign nationals? Contact or