International Travel
UT is a globally engaged university and encourages UT faculty, staff, students and postdoctoral fellows to participate actively in the global research community while also complying with federal research security requirements. UT’s Center for Global Engagement (CGE) encourages, supports and facilitates safe, secure and enriching international travel for the UT community, providing assistance before, during, and after international travel.
Register International Travel
All UT-related international travel plans of faculty, staff, students and postdoctoral fellows must be registered and authorized before travel begins; this includes, but is not limited to, travel funded by UT. By providing information about travel itineraries, emergency contact information, the purpose of travel, and other pertinent information, CGE can provide UT travelers with access to valuable resources and timely assistance, which is especially important should a crisis or incident arise while traveling abroad. In some cases, a traveler may be required to attend a security briefing in advance of their trip. For more information, contact CGE.
What Can You Take with You Overseas?
Some items, when you travel internationally, may be subject to export controls. Under the license exception for temporary export (TMP) you can take usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of tools of trade (commodities and software) for use by you or your employees in a lawful enterprise. The tools of trade must remain under your effective control or your employee’s (you or your employee must retain physical possession of the item, lock it in a hotel safe, or have it guarded). Encryption commodities and software may be pre-loaded on a laptop, handheld device or other computer or equipment.
All tools of trade may accompany you departing from the U.S. or may be shipped unaccompanied within one month before your departure from the U.S., or at any time after departure. All commodities and software must, if not consumed or destroyed in the normal course of authorized temporary use abroad, be returned as soon as practicable, but no later than one year after the date of export. No tools of trade may be taken to embargoed countries.
Please contact Chris Godfrey ( or Grace Cox ( for any questions or concerns related to what you can take when you travel. If you are taking any technology with you (i.e. laptops) please contact UT OIT via the OIT HelpDesk (865) 974-9900 to discuss protections for that device and/ or opportunities to obtain alternative safeguarded devices. A number of laptops have been configured and earmarked for travel with no additional cost to the individual to utilize this program. The devices are rebuilt after each use and are encrypted in the event the device is misplaced or stolen.
Other Considerations
In addition to Export Control concerns, there are also matters of security and safety when travelling to sensitive countries.
Registration for international travel is now required — see the University of Tennessee Center for Global Engagement for more information.
In addition, UT has a contract with International SOS, an emergency assistance service. Visit their site for more information, including a mobile app.
The Department of State Travel Alerts and Warnings page has updated and useful country-specific information, including extreme risk countries and regions. These travel advisories are frequently updated and need to be checked in close proximity to your travel. When checking travel advisories, it is best practice take note of the embassy location and contact in case of emergency and enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.
Domestic Travel
If you plan to attend conferences that require a DD2345, please reach out to our office.