To determine if the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy is applicable, answer the questions below.
Q1: Is the visitor1 currently affiliated with UT (such as a student or employee)?
If the visitor is affiliated with UT, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy does not apply.
If the visitor is NOT affiliated with UT, proceed to Question 2.
Q2: Is the purpose of the visit research related?
If the visit is not research related, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy does not apply.
If the visit is research related, proceed to Question 3.
Q3: Is the visitor going to engage2 in research during the visit?
If the visitor is not going to engage in research, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy does not apply.
If the visitor is going to engage in research, proceed to Question 4.
Q4: Is the visitor going to have supervised3 access to research facilities or data?
If the visitor will NOT have supervised access to research facilities, click here.
If the visitor WILL have supervised access to research facilities, proceed to Question 5.
Q5: Is the duration of the visit more than 10 business days?
If the duration of the visit is GREATER THAN 10 business days, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy applies. The Visitor Information Packet must be submitted at least 30 days prior to visit for vetting and approvals.
If the duration of the visit does NOT exceed 10 business days, proceed to Question 6.
Q6: If the duration of the visit is less than 10 business days, are multiple visits anticipated within 1 year where the cumulative time of visit(s) exceeds 10 business days?
If multiple visits are not anticipated within 1 year, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy does not apply.
If the total duration of the visit DOES exceed 10 business days, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy applies. The Visitor Information Packet must be submitted at least 30 days prior to visit for vetting and approvals. Click here to find the Visitor Information Packet.
Q7: Is the visitor going to have unsupervised access to research facilities or data?
If the visitor will NOT have unsupervised access to research facilities or data, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy does not apply.
If the visitor WILL have unsupervised access to research facilities, then the Visitors Engaged in Research Policy applies. The Visitor Information Packet must be submitted at least 30 days prior to visit for vetting and approvals. Click here to find the Visitor Information Packet.
1Visitor: Any visiting scientist, visiting scholar, or other unaffiliated individual (e.g., faculty, students, post-docs, industry collaborators, etc.) who is not on the University payroll and seeks access to University laboratories or other similar research facilities for the purposes of research and/or collaboration with University employees.
2Engaged: involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of research
3Supervised: Access to locations, resources, and/or data is monitored and permissibility controlled in all instances by faculty and/or staff sponsor.