Tag Archives: Institute for Energy and Environment
The Future of Fusion: Q&A with University of Tennessee Nuclear Researchers Ane Lasa and Sophie Blondel
Ane Lasa and Sophie Blondel from UT’s Department of Nuclear Engineering explore the interactions between plasma inside fusion systems and the materials that make up the walls of the reactors.
UT, Lockheed Martin Expand Master Research Agreement
UT and Lockheed Martin signed a new five-year master research agreement, expanding a longstanding partnership previously centered around hypersonics.
Shaping the Circular Bioeconomy in Tennessee
Researchers from UT and ORNL are prioritizing circular bioeconomy projects focused on expanding the use of biomass and preventing or reducing waste to create more sustainable agriculture and manufacturing systems.
Turning the Promise of Fusion into Reality
As a leader in fusion research, UT is expanding its capabilities to address the most pressing challenges to fusion technology feasibility.
UT-ORII Selects Two New $20M UT-ORNL Convergent Research Initiatives
The University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (UT-ORII) has selected circular bioeconomy systems and radiopharmaceutical therapies as its two newest […]
UTIA Receives Farmer-to-Farmer Grant to Strengthen the Involvement of Southeast Asian Youth in Agriculture through Exchanges with U.S. Volunteers
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) has been awarded a five-year grant through the John Ogonowski and Doug […]
Global Energy Ecosystems: $500K in Seed Funds Announced for Research and Team Building
The Office of Research Innovation and Economic Development (ORIED) and the Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment (ISSE) are […]
Energy Faire
In addition to a decades-long position as a leader in energy research, UT faculty have self-assembled in new energy-related areas […]
UT Research: Making Life and Lives Better
Faculty, staff, and students at UT are engaged in research, scholarship, and creative activities that advance the frontiers of human […]
Rapid Plant Evolution May Make Coastal Wetlands More Susceptible to Sea Level Rise
A new study of marshes in the Chesapeake Bay has demonstrated that plant evolution must be accounted for to understand […]