Tag Archives: Department of Mechanical Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering

UT Researchers Receive $17.8M Grant to Create New Wind Tunnel for Materials Testing
UT researchers will use a $17.8 million grant from the US Air Force to create a wind tunnel that can mimic hypersonic conditions—those experienced above Mach 5, which is five times the speed of sound.

Virtual SPARKS: The ‘Space’ Between Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering
The Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (ORIED) is hosting Virtual SPARKS: The ‘Space’ Between Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering […]

Recognitions, February 23
The end of February brings additional honors and funding awards for UT faculty: UTIA Professor Receives SAEA Lifetime Achievement Award; […]

Recognitions, February 9
The first half of February brings exciting honors and funding awards for UT staff and students: UT AgResearch Announces Award […]

UT Partners with MSC Industrial Supply to Drive Innovation in Smart Manufacturing
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and MSC Industrial Supply Company have announced a public-private research partnership aimed at advancing machining across the […]
Mench Named Next Dean of Engineering
Matthew Mench has been selected to serve as the next dean and Wayne T. Davis Dean’s Chair of the Tickle […]
ACE Readies for In-Person CNC Machining Training
Innovative IACMI, UT training teaches essential manufacturing skills to address US manufacturing workforce gap Training the next-generation machine tool workforce […]

Recognitions, May 12
The first half of May brings additional recognition and awards for UT faculty, staff, and students: Professor in the Department […]

Recognitions, April 28
The end of April brings additional recognition and awards for UT faculty, staff, and students: An associate dean for faculty […]
Recognitions, January 20
The end of January brings additional recognition and awards for UT faculty and alums: Researchers from the Tickle College of […]