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Burns Named Research Integrity Compliance Officer

Jane Burns, a University of Tennessee alumna, has been named research integrity compliance director for the Office of Research and Engagement, effective March 1, 2021.

As part of the Office of Research Integrity (ORI), this position is responsible for investigating allegations of research misconduct at the university. Burns will also provide research integrity training and raise awareness on campus of the institutional plan for the responsible conduct of research.

“I see research integrity as a cornerstone of UT’s public trust and success,” said Burns. “I appreciate Dr. Pruett’s confidence in me and am excited to work with the UT community in this endeavor.”

Prior to joining ORE, Burns served as interim director and compliance officer at the UT Institute of Agriculture. In that position, she managed pre-award sponsored programs activities for UTIA and served as the university’s authorized organizational representative. She also provided guidance for direct administrators, faculty, staff, and students in sponsored programs and compliance matters and developed programming to safeguard the organization from research compliance and other regulatory risks.

With almost 10 years of experience in research compliance at UT, Burns is well versed in regulatory procedures and requirements in export control, human and animal research subjects, data management, responsible authorship, conflict of interest, and research ethics.

“We are excited to welcome Jane to the Office of Research Integrity,” said Sarah Pruett, assistant vice chancellor for the responsible conduct of research and institutional research integrity officer. “Overseeing the responsible conduct of research and raising awareness of this multi-faceted area of compliance is critical to the university’s success. Her experience with research compliance and grant development at UTIA will be a tremendous asset to ORE.”

The ORI oversees integrity, ethics, safety and compliance areas in responsible conduct of research, research misconduct, radiation safety, biosafety, export control, and human subjects research. The office is led by Pruett and housed within the Office of Research and Engagement.