The Office of Research and Engagement is accepting nominations for three research-related awards to be given during the Chancellor’s Honors Banquet. The banquet is held each spring to recognize students, faculty, staff and friends of the University of Tennessee for their extraordinary achievements.
Faculty members will be recognized for their excellence in research and creative achievement in the following categories:
Research and Creative Achievement—Awarded to tenured faculty who have received national or international recognition in their field and have shown a significant impact on their discipline.
Professional Promise in Research and Creative Achievement—Awarded to tenured or tenure-track faculty members at the assistant or associate professor rank who have received national and/or international recognition in their fields and show professional promise in their areas of research and creative achievement.
Success in Multidisciplinary Research—Awarded to a multidisciplinary research team that has succeeded in gaining major external resources and external recognition for their research.
Nominations for faculty research awards are due by noon on Friday, January 22, 2021.