The Office of Research Innovation and Economic Development (ORIED) is soliciting proposals that advance knowledge and support areas of fundamental and applied research in human health and wellness.
This research funding opportunity aligns with the UT Strategic Plan which envisions a university that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion across all areas of research, scholarship, education, and outreach. The success of this program, as well as our ability to tackle the grand challenges that face the planet, will require approaches that are global, just, sustainable, and innovative – key elements that align with UT’s land grant history, identity, and mission.
Available Programs
There are two programs available: Human Health & Wellness Research Seed Funding which is due September 1, 2023, and Human Health & Wellness Team Building Activities is available until June 30, 2024.
- Requests for Research Seed Funding will be due September 1, 2023, with a release of funds (i.e, start date) on October 1, 2023.
- Requests for funding that support Team Building Activities will be accepted at any time until June 30, 2024, effective immediately.
Cost share is desired but not required. The Department Head and ADR will receive requests to review applications indicating their support in their respective department and college but not be required to indicate cost share support.
Questions should be sent to
Apply for Research Seed Funding via InfoReady
Submission deadline
Requests for Research Seed Funding will be due September 1, 2023, with a release of funds on October 1, 2023.
Proposal Preparation Guidelines: Research Seed Grants
- Collaborative Grants: Request for funds to initiate new collaborative research (i.e., seed grants) are encouraged which specifically target or are aligned with externally supported (e.g., Federal funding) major funding opportunities (e.g., NSF, NIH). These may include either the development of a new submission or the revision and resubmission of a previous proposal which received strong reviews yet was not recommended for funding. Budgets up to $50,000 per year, with a maximum of 2 years of support, will be considered.
- Exploratory grants to initiate new lines of research using a team science/ multi-disciplinary approach. Proposals in this category should address a high-risk/reward, disruptive, topic that will specifically undertake activities at a large scale. For example, an interdisciplinary focus which will make significant progress towards health-focused research outcomes. Proposals in this category should outline/demonstrate a clear linkage to a significant funding opportunity. Budgets up to $75,000 per year, with a 2-year maximum, will be considered.
Proposal Format Requirements
- Two-page limit for Team Building Activities. Three-page limit for Collaborative and Exploratory Research Seed Grants.
- Proposal content must include:
- Names and affiliation of team members
- The primary research focus of the proposed activity
- The major outcome(s) of the activity
- A modular budget
- Timeline and milestones
- Matching funds and in-kind commitments
- For proposals recommended for funding, additional details may be requested, including budget justification, clarification of points raised in review, etc.
- All funded proposals will be required to submit an annual report, for proposals recommended for 2 years of support, an annual report will be required before the release of Year-2 funds. A final report will be required for all proposal types must be submitted within 3 months of the end of the project period.
Notification of Awards
Notification on Research Seed Funding requests will be provided by the end of November 2023.
Apply for Team Building Activities via InfoReady
Submission deadline
Requests for Team Building Activities will be accepted at any time until June 30, 2024, effective immediately.
Proposal Preparation Guidelines: Team Building Activities
- Funding may be requested to support team-building activities, including but not limited to, meals and meeting room costs, logistics for scheduling and organization, and travel for collaborators. Budgets up to $25K will be considered for support. Funding level must be commensurate with proposed activities.
- Funds to support the development of regional, or international teams, including the development of workshops, conferences, and similar events that have the potential to advance our reputation and create funding opportunities will be considered.
- Funds to co-sponsor a convening event, including both local, national, and international meetings and academic/research society-led conferences.
For both Collaborative and Exploratory Grants, cost share is strongly encouraged. While the level of cost-share remains to-be-defined, it is likely that proposals/teams that demonstrate a level of cost-share (i.e., departmental, college, PI) will receive a more favorable review than those that do not provide cost-share. Again, matching funds are not required but are encouraged, and will be considered in the review process.
Proposal Format Requirements
- Two-page limit for Team Building Activities.
- Proposal content must include:
- Names and affiliation of team members
- The primary research focus of the proposed activity
- The major outcome(s) of the activity
- A modular budget
- Timeline and milestones
- Matching funds and in-kind commitments
- For proposals recommended for funding, additional details may be requested, including budget justification, clarification of points raised in review, etc.
- All funded proposals will be required to submit an annual report, for proposals recommended for 2 years of support, an annual report will be required before the release of Year-2 funds. A final report will be required for all proposal types must be submitted within 3 months of the end of the project period.
Notification of Awards
- Notification on Team Building Activities funding requests will be provided within 14 days of submission.