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Research Development Guidance for Ensuring Timely Proposal Submission

Institutional policies and procedures for proposal submission are set by the Division of Research Administration (DRA) and are sometimes supplemented by additional department/college procedures. The following guidance from Research Development (RD) is meant to clarify proposal support roles and responsibilities to minimize confusion and ensure faculty receive the most accurate advice regarding submission requirements.

  • Research Development Support: For most proposals and prestigious faculty awards, Research Development (RD) support is limited to editing and advising on the narrative only.
  • Research Administration Support: Faculty should work with their department/college research administration support staff to determine all other documents needed for a complete, compliant proposal submission that meets both internal university and external funding/awarding agency requirements. Faculty who do not have department/college research administration support staff should contact DRA ( Faculty are advised to initiate this conversation no less than one month prior to the external funding/awarding agency submission deadline.
  • Internal Review and Approval: Most submissions require internal review and approval by the university before submission to the external funding/awarding agency. DRA has a firm internal deadline that requires five full business days to review all proposal documents prior to the external funding/awarding agency deadline. Proposals are submitted for internal review and approval via Cayuse. Since internal university approvals are required from all participating departments and colleges, faculty are advised to submit their Cayuse proposals at least one week before the internal DRA deadline (or two weeks before the external funding/awarding agency submission deadline).

Example of Internal Review and Approval Times

  1. Faculty member initiates discussion with department/college research administration support staff to determine all other documents needed for a complete, compliant proposal submission that meets both internal university and external funding/awarding agency requirements
    • Recommended: Department/college research administration support contacted one month prior to the external funding/awarding agency submission deadline
  1. Faculty member submits Cayuse proposal for internal review and approval
    • Recommended: Cayuse proposal submitted two weeks before the external funding/awarding agency deadline
  1. Department(s) approve Cayuse proposal
  2. College(s) approve Cayuse proposal
  3. DRA receives Cayuse proposal
    • Required: Cayuse proposal received by the internal deadline, five full business days prior to the external funding/awarding agency deadline
  1. DRA reviews proposal
  2. DRA submits proposal to external funding/awarding agency
    • Submitted by the external funding/awarding agency deadline