Faculty Directory
Research Associate Professor; Mechanical, Aerospace & Biomedical Engineering
Electrochemical systems (batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers), carbon capture and storage
Associate Professor, Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science and Center for Renewable Carbon
Engineering; renewable feedstock; biomass; pyrolysis; gasification; biomass-derived gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel; green hydrogen production; biofuel and biopower system process modeling
Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
Laboratory robotics, hybrid materials, hybrid perovskites, dynamic materials and devices, optoelectronic devices, electronic and ionic transport in semiconductors, charge transport phenomena, development of novel materials for high energy radiation sensors
Professor, Biochemistry & Cellular & Molecular Biology
Bacterial chemotaxis signal transduction and motility, beneficial plant-bacteria associations
Associate Professor & Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Research, School of Architecture
Contemporary memorial studies, memory studies, cultural studies, ritual theory, perceptual theory, social justice, environmental justice, civic engagement, cemetery reclamation
Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Biodiversity, conservation science, ecosystem services, ecological modeling, optimization, operations research, natural resources policy, economics, socio-ecological systems
UT–ORNL Governor's Chair for Advanced Manufacturing
Materials and metallurgy, manufacturing, computational thermodynamics and kinetics, in-situ and ex-situ characterization, interdisciplinary research in energy sciences and engineering
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Vehicle electrification
Professor, School of Information Sciences
Research data management, data discovery, FAIR data principles, job analyses
Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering
Development of optimization methodologies for neutron and photon transport with a focus on the fast neutron source experimental facility, tailoring neutron beams characteristics and designing beam shaping assemblies for specialized applications, validation of computational methodologies through a series of neutron activation experiments
Associate Professor & Assistant Head for Graduate Studies, Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear energy, thermal hydraulics, and reactor safety
Research Assistant Professor, Microbiology
Microbiome, computational biology, microbial interactions, longitudinal studies, community assembly, environmental perturbation, microbial ecology