Faculty Directory

UT-ORNL Governor's Chair for Advanced & Nanostructured Materials
Polymers, nanoscience, macromolecule science and engineering, organic materials, hybrid materials, ultrathin films

Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
Laboratory robotics, hybrid materials, hybrid perovskites, dynamic materials and devices, optoelectronic devices, electronic and ionic transport in semiconductors, charge transport phenomena, development of novel materials for high energy radiation sensors

Professor, Mathematics
Phase-change processes, laser ablation, alloy solidification, hydrates, crystal growth, heat and mass transfer, computational fluid dynamics, scientific (parallel) computing

Associate Department Head & Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Non-destructive evaluation of geomaterials, mechanics of granular materials, experimental soil mechanics, soils constitutive modeling, foundation engineering, behavior of granular materials under very low effective stresses

Associate Dean for Research, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine
Biochemistry and cell biology, animal production, veterinary sciences, biomedical engineering, biomaterials, chemical engineering, food sciences, materials engineering, regenerative medicine, clinical sciences, pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
VLSI & nanoelectronics, emerging memory devices & beyond CMOS technologies, hardware security, cryogenic circuits & quantum computing hardware, artificial intelligence & neuromorphic hardware

Emeritus Professor, Chemistry
Identify properties of highly engineered inorganic materials, development of selective oxidation catalysts, polymerization catalysts, immobilized nanoparticle catalysts, properties of porous sorbents

Lincoln Chair Professor, Physics & Astronomy
Quantum materials synthesis, molecular quantum systems, 2d materials, quantum magnetism, strongly correlated electron systems, quantum theory and simulations, AI, high performance computing, topology, algorithmic development, correlated systems, quantum control and measurement

Department Head & Niedert Professor of Supply Chain Management
Demand management, logistics, supply chain management, supply chain operation, applied mathematics, sustainable agricultural development, interdisciplinary engineering

Professor, Chemistry
Biochemistry and cell biology, medicinal and supramolecular chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, medical biochemistry and metabolomics, molecular physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, plasma physics

Associate Department Head & Blalock-Kennedy-Pierce Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Analog/mixed-signal integrated circuit design for extreme environments across multiple semiconductor technologies, ultra-low power analog IC design for signal processing and computation, multi-channel monolithic instrumentation systems

Associate Head & Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Biomolecular engineering applications in immune function, viral membrane fusion proteins, molecular switching and cell adhesion proteins, protein immobilizing and modifying enzymes