Electromagnetic Properties Lab
With the continuing advancement of research capabilities in the materials sciences, the ability to decode complex properties of materials is critical to the success of the researcher.
To accommodate these needs, the Electromagnetic Properties Lab (EMP) provides access to both Physical Property Measurement Systems (PPMS) and SQUID Vibrating Sample Magnometer (SVSM) apparatus. By providing researchers with the ability to set a broad range of temperature and magnetic field conditions, EMP enables critical and cutting-edge fundamental materials science research that is both cost effective and efficient.
EMP may be accessed both by UT researchers and external partners and clients.
Jian Liu
Scientific Leader
PPMS for routine electrical measurements such as resistivity, capacitance, and Hall effect, down to 1.8 K and up to 9 T.
Dynacool system for routine measurements of resistivity, Hall effect, magnetization, susceptibility, heat capacity, thermopower, and thermal conductivity down to 1.8 K and up to 14 T.
SQUID-VSM Magnetometer System (SVSM) for routine magnetization and susceptibility measurements down to 2 K and up to 7 T. A Helium-3 option is available for magnetization measurement down to 0.4K.
User Rates
1 unit for PPMS & Dynacool = 12 hours
1 unit for SQUID = 8 hours
Internal Academic | External Academic | Other External | |
Service 1: PPMS, Unassisted | $90 | N/A | N/A |
Service 2: SVSM, Unassisted | $95 | N/A | N/A |
Service 3: PPMS, Assisted | $260 | $398 | $600 |
Service 4: SVSM, Assisted | $245 | $375 | $500 |
Service 5: DynaCool-Advanced Unassisted | $130 | $199 | $214 |
Service 6: DynaCool-Advanced Assisted | $275 | $421 | $450 |
User rates subject to change without notice.
Additional Resources
Existing users may book time via Stratocore. New users contact Jian Liu.