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Hollie Schreiber Elected to NCURA Executive Committee

Hollie Schreiber Elected to NCURA Executive Committee

Hollie Schreiber, director of the Office of Sponsored Programs for the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, has been elected to the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) Board of Directors.

In 2022, UT will be the only university with two current NCURA board members when Schreiber joins existing board member David Smelser, director in the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Developmentā€™s Division of Research Administration, who was elected in 2020. Currently, the only institution with two board members also represents the state of Tennesseeā€”Vanderbilt University.

NCURA, founded in 1959, is a non-profit professional society dedicated to advancing the profession of research administration through education and professional development programs, the sharing of knowledge and experiences, and the fostering of a diverse, collegial, and respected global community. With over 7,500 members from over 1,100 colleges, universities, teaching hospitals, and research institutes in 40 countries, NCURA is actively involved in furthering communication and understanding between research administrators both within and outside the United States. NCURA’s purpose is to serve all members by advancing expertise in the profession of research administration.