The NSF CAREER Proposal Writing Institute is designed to support faculty who plan on submitting a CAREER proposal in 2021. Topics include the education plan, broader impacts, crafting a persuasive narrative, discussion of funded proposals, and a panel with past awardees. Faculty will be encouraged to set writing goals and to use the PWI as a group resource through the proposal development process.
This workshop is taught as a series of five sessions. Participants should plan to attend all session dates:
Session 1: Thursday, May 13 (2–3:30 p.m.)
Session 2: Thursday, May 27 (2–3:30 p.m.)
Session 3: Thursday, June 10 (2–3:30 p.m.)
Session 4: Thursday, June 24 (2–3:30 p.m.)
Session 5: Thursday, July 8 (2–3:30 p.m.)
Participants are required to register no later than April 30. An email with a link to the virtual presentation and password will be sent to all registered attendees prior to the workshop.
Please contact Diana Moyer ( with questions or for more information.