As part of the National Science Foundation’s updated guidelines (PAPPG 20-1), researchers will be required to use one of two formats for submitting biographical sketches as well as the current and pending support documents. Both the biographical sketches and the current and pending support documentation can be completed by using an approved fillable PDF or entered on the SciENcv website. These changes go into effect on June 1, 2020.
Office of Research and Engagement (ORE) and college/department staff, have explored both options and recommend using SciENcv, as it allows for significant long-term maintenance capability. With SciENcv, researchers can have multiple biographical sketches with publication listings tailored to various research areas, link to their ORCID account for ease of publication selection, and easily update current and pending projects.
“We encourage faculty to create these documents in SciENcv well in advance of their next proposal deadline,” says David Smelser, assistant director of the Office of Sponsored Programs. He says that the advantage with this option is that the documents can easily be customized and reutilized for future proposals.
Faculty must use the required formats for these documents on all proposals to be submitted on and after June 1. Negative consequences include the risk that Fastlane will not accept an improperly formatted document or that the proposal be returned without review. This requirement applies to all senior project roles (PI, Co-PI, and non-Co-PI senior personnel).
“We strongly recommend reviewing the new requirements and beginning the information transfer process as soon as possible,” Smelser adds.
SciENcv has compiled documentation to assist researchers with the new NSF-required formats including videos and a step-by-step tutorial on their website.
To facilitate early adoption of the SciENcv option, Research Development Manager Diana Moyer will offer virtual office hours, allowing faculty to connect with her for assistance. Zoom meetings are available Wednesday, May 20, 1–3 p.m. p.m., and Thursday, May 21, 10 a.m.– 12 p.m.
If faculty do not have an ORCID ID account, they should register for one now. SciENcv integrates with ORCID to populate publications. The PI is responsible for ensuring completeness and accuracy, but this integration should save a lot of time during setup and maintenance. Be sure to mark your ORCID profile as shareable to “trusted parties” or “everyone” before creating a biographical sketch.